Personal / Billing Information

Please complete our online studio/session booking form. Only complete this form if you are ready to book a studio session. We require this information to properly accommodate your session and needs, and we will use it for invoice and billing purposes.

If you have any service-related questions or need more information, please click the links below to learn more about our services:

Do you need info about our studio specials?

Do you want to schedule a studio tour?

Do you want more info about services?

Do you want more info about our engineers?

Do you want more info about our operations and procedures?

Do you need more information about our booking policies and rates?

Session Information

Please take note of the following: If you choose one of our deals, the hours and times are already set and can be found in our specials section. For any other sessions, you will need to specify the number of hours required. Some rooms have a minimum required hours please see our info for each on our website.
If you have a specific engineer you would like to request for your session, please enter their name here.
What is your experience with a professional recording studio and engineer? Novice = you use consumer apps but not professional recording equipment; Home Studio = You track and record your own music with a home studio set up with Pro Tools, Logic, etc; Some Experience = You have been in a professional recording studio but had limited exposure to the process including tracking, mixing and mastering.
Enter your referrer information ex. name, social handle, etc.
Please provide any additional details that will be helpful for us to consider during your session.